How A Hybrid Solar Panel System Works: What You Need To Know

Solar power has grown dramatically in a short period of time and more and more Australians are looking at installing solar panels to save on their electricity bills. It’s no question that solar energy is all the rage these days. Governments around the world are looking for ways to implement solar power into their energy grid since it’s a clean and renewable energy source.

Hybrid solar panel systems are currently one of the most popular ways to harness solar energy. If you’re thinking of installing a hybrid solar panel system, then get ready to learn all the details about how they work.

What Is A Hybrid Solar Panel System?

You’ve probably heard of both grid-tie and off-grid solar systems, but did you know that you can combine the two? Hybrid solar panel systems are just that — a mix of grid-tie and off-grid solar for the best of both worlds. A hybrid solar panel system is a combination of grid-tie and off-grid technology. It can be grid-tie during the day and then switch to off-grid when the sun goes down. It also can add batteries to store excess solar power for later use.

How Does A Hybrid Solar Panel System Work?

Now that you have a better understanding of what a hybrid solar panel system is, let’s take a closer look at how it works.

In a grid-tied system, if the grid goes down, your solar panels will also go down. This is because the utility company can turn off power to your home at any time for safety reasons. And since the utility company knows when there are outages, they can turn off your system before it becomes a safety hazard.

On the other hand, an off-grid solar panel system doesn’t connect to the grid at all and will still work after the grid is down. But this type of system only produces power when your solar panels are generating electricity — no sun = no electricity, which means that you won’t have power in the evenings and on cloudy days.

A hybrid system combines these two systems into one and eliminates both of their weaknesses. This type of system uses batteries to store energy from your solar panels so that you have backup power at night or on cloudy days. And it uses an automatic transfer switch to disconnect from the grid whenever there’s an outage so that you don’t lose power when it goes down.

Hybrid systems typically have a grid-tie inverter (GTI) and an additional battery inverter/charger. The GTI sends excess power from your solar panels into the grid, but it also sends some of that excess electricity to charge your batteries via the battery inverter/charger. Then, if there’s ever a power outage, your home can run on stored battery backup power until the grid comes back online.

How Much Does A Hybrid Solar Panel System Cost?

A hybrid solar system costs roughly the same as an off-grid system, but it comes with substantial advantages: more reliable backup power, less maintenance, and no need for a generator during an outage. Installations are also simpler and faster than those for off-grid systems, since they don’t require any trenching or wiring to connect to the grid. In addition, homeowners can often still take advantage of federal tax credits and other incentives when they install a hybrid system.

Hybrid solar panel systems are a great choice for many homeowners. This type of system is more affordable than all-electric and can provide you with enough energy to power your home. If you are interested in using a hybrid solar panel system, then you can contact Mclean Energy Solutions for panel installation. They will help you determine what size panels would work best for your needs and how many panels would work best for your home and will make recommendations based on how much space you have available and how many rooms you have in your house.

If you’ve been wondering how a hybrid solar panel system works, hopefully, we’ve given you the answer you’re looking for. They are an effective strategy for achieving energy independence while also monitoring the resources that we rely on to meet our energy demands.

How A Hybrid Solar Panel System Works: What You Need To Know

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